Thursday, April 29, 2010

Distracted, me? How did this happen?

It’s been a few days since I decided to start down this path and I started off with a bang! I emptied, I organized – I ran out of time. So I stuffed everything back into the cupboard and decided to start off first thing the next morning. That evening, after TroubleMaker was in bed, I planned. I listed target areas, I devised ‘free’ and cheap ways to organize the stuff I have with stuff I already own. I did make one trip to the store and bought $7.50 worth of balsa wood to construct a mostly-found object spice rack. Hubby and I even toured the thrift shops to see if I could find cheap organizational storage ideas.

And then I felt overwhelmed. Because although I want to start in the kitchen, I quickly realized that the fever was spreading. I tripped over 17 pairs of shoes at the back door and again hung my ‘everyday’ coat over the newel post on the stairs (because there was no room in the closet at the backdoor) and I knew that I was in serious trouble.

The back entrance way, the ‘appliance’ closet, the front hall closet and now you can add the spare room closet because in an attempt to keep us twisted ankle free, my hubby moved our winter boots there (because the front hall closet is chock a block full of other stuff). My son’s dresser is overflowing again with clothes, my ‘underwear’ drawer needs revamping, my sewing room/office is beginning to look like land mines went off in the corners (the middle is free because we have a spare inflatable bed set up for my mother). There is the cupboard in our bathroom and the broom closet off the kitchen.

Then I saw my recipe ‘stack’ and nearly cried. I can’t do this – I’m not organized enough! I start off with such good intentions but then I get seriously overwhelmed and get easily distracted with an area (or thing) that might be easier.

I even went so far as to try and pick out fabric to sew new curtains for the kitchen (not in the budget, but definitely needed) – all in an attempt to not get back to the original plan – clean and organize my kitchen.

I suppose I should just quit while I’m ahead and sit on the floor and play endless hours of “bocks” with TroubleMaker but I know it will only be a little while before the now disastrous spice cupboard calls my name again.

So here I go, again, back in the mire. Give me 24 hours – then send in a search party.

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