Monday, May 10, 2010

A Discovery of the Strange Kind

I'm having a great time visiting at my Mom's house... There is nothing like staying with your Mom for a few days to relax and be pampered. My Mom is great - she takes care of me, does all the dishes, tidies up after me (and my son) and there is always an endless supply of clean towels and a fridge that some how always has my favourite things stocked in it. She and my step Dad have a huge yard with a slide for TroubleMaker and lots of room to run and play and a great trail around the yard to walk.

This morning, I needed to let a hem down on TroubleMaker's jeans. I was supposed to do it before I left home but I ran out of time. Knowing my Mom is the crafty type, I knew she had seam ripper in her sewing basket. As she dashed off to shower, I requested the seam ripper. She looked at me sheepishy and said "Oh, it's in the futon room closet... I'll go..." she winced slightly. "No, Mom - I'll find it, I just wanted to know where your sewing basket is." I got up off the floor where I'd been playing blocks with TroubleMaker. "No, no... I'll go." She insisted.

"Mom - seriously, I'll get it. Go shower." I turned to go. "Corrie... I just shoved stuff in there the other day. It's a mess."

Now, I know my mother and messy she is not. Her idea of a mess is most peoples idea of clean. She is meticulous, organized and detail oriented. Everything has a place and a place for everything - she is just like her mother (which I know is the eventual curse of every woman). Nothing is ever out of place - including her perfectly cut hair. My mom embodies organized.

With TroubleMaker in tow, off to the room we went. I opened one side of the closet and didn't see the basket - then I opened the other side and spied the basket about half way down the enormous, but very neatly stacked PILE.

I went and got my camera as I had to get a picture of this. My penchant for stacking and piling had been discovered.

I am a piler... And so is my Mother. She is just better at it than I am.

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