Friday, July 9, 2010

And Baby Made Three

Three years ago today, I found out I was pregnant. I was a day late and had no other inclination that we *might* be expecting. We were trying to conceive, of course, but our timing had been off and my cycle was all out of whack (due to work related stress).

At the time I was baby-crazy. Charting my cycle, recording everything and obsessing nightly (for hours) looking at charts, analyzing temperatures, playing with numbers. We’d miscarried our first baby seven months earlier and although I thought I’d never recover, I did and was anxious – too anxious – to be pregnant again. After this month, I was tossing all the thermometers and charts aside – I was going to forget trying to conceive and just get back to living.

The software (according to my haphazard attempt to stop taking my temperature each morning upon waking) put me at a day late. I tried to disregard the fact that not only had I ovulated (according to the software) on day 24 of that cycle but my Hubby and I had only ‘been together’ five days prior to said ovulation. I had decided that if my period had not started by the time I left work, I would stop and buy a home pregnancy test.

It didn’t come and so I stopped and dutifully bought a ‘double pack’ of home pregnancy tests – fully expecting to not need them. I got home and raced to the bathroom. My weary dog, tired from a full day at dog daycare and from the warm temperatures, followed me as always, wondering why I was dancing happily to go pee. I opened the box and read the instructions. I always read instructions but made extra sure that I read them carefully so that I wouldn’t make a mistake.

I peed. I immediately looked at the stick – in a surge of colour, both windows flushed pink. I screeched. I grabbed the dog and hugged him. I remember the moment – where and how I was standing, even what the little window looked like. I yelled “We’re PREGNANT!” and my breath was sucked out of my chest.

And then it all went away. It cleared – like nothing was ever there.

I put the test on the counter and said to the dog – “oh well, maybe next time.” And I took him for his usually 45 minute walk.

Like a dog with a bone, the instant we got back in the house, I ran back the small bathroom off our master bedroom and grabbed the test off the counter.

And I saw the first proof of my son. Edited note: I went to insert the picture of the Home pregnancy test I uploaded three years ago to show my online friends... However, there is NO pink line in the picture indicating a positive test. I know it was there, I know I was pregnant (I have the proof) - I'll have to check the master files at home and will reedit this post accordingly.

A strong, clear pink line was in the correct window on the test. I was pregnant. I double checked the instructions to make sure I was reading it correctly. I was pregnant. But was it real? I was outside the control time – but I saw the positive right away and then it went away… I made something to eat and raced to my laptop and the internet for answers.

I have to admit, I don’t remember anything else that evening except for the phone call from my husband. As we lived in separate cities, he called me every night at 9pm. And although I know I had resolved to not tell him until I could pee again the next morning on the second test in the box, I just couldn’t keep it a secret. The conversation went something like this…

“Hi... How are you?” he asked

“I’m well… How was your day? Guess WHAT!?” I said, very excitedly.


“I think I’m pregnant.”

How did that happen!?” he exclaimed. He was all too aware of my constant analysis of my cycle, our timing and my obsession.

“Well…” and I went on to explain the entire process. I finished by saying I would retest in the morning to confirm and to not get excited.

I don’t know how I slept that night – or more aptly, if I did. I remember waking frequently and often gawking at the clock, wondering if it was time to get up. Finally, it was!

And I peed. And I promised myself I would not look at the test until the three minute mark was up… After one minute, I had confirmation.

We were pregnant and the rest, as they say, is history!

TroubleMaker & me a few hours after his emergency arrival!
March 27, 2008

1 comment:

  1. I must thank you, my dear, for sharing this blog with all of us. What a wonderful story and since I know Troublemaker personally, it makes the story all the more precious. He truly is the most wonderful creation I have ever seen!
