Monday, October 4, 2010

MPM # 22

Sunday evening, I’m usually eager to post my menu and start the new week but with TroubleMaker sick with another cold, having a house full for dinner to celebrate my Husband's birthday and another (long) week of work ahead of me, I was perfectly content to sit in my chair with my son in my lap reflecting on our week.

This week’s menu is easy and really kind of a cheater menu because we’re heading to my Mom’s for the Thanksgiving Weekend – so that means two nights that I don’t have to worry about cooking… I normally plan my menus a month in advance but I didn’t this month so I’ve been doing them Saturday morning while we have breakfast. TroubleMaker and I then do the shop for the week and although it’s only been two weeks, I really enjoy those trips with my son to the store. It doesn’t go as quickly as it would if I were by myself but his insights and sense of silly delight me (and occasionally frustrate me) enormously!

I’ll keep this short and just get into the meals. I hope you have a fantastic week, and awesome Thanksgiving (if you’re Canadian, of course) and for more meal planning ideals and inspirations, check out the Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

October 4 to October 10

Monday Chicken Nuggets and fries
Tuesday Left over pasta & Caesar Salad
Wednesday Fried Egg Sandwiches
Thursday Tacos
Friday KD & Fish sticks
Saturday At Mom’s
Sunday At Mom’s

Toast, Apple Strudel Muffins, Bagels, Cereal

A comment about the muffins – they are good however, they are dry. I just chopped my apples but I ended up added about a ½ cup of the juice I used to keep the apples from browning (a few squirts of lemon juice with some water). I also added 1 tsp of cinnamon and ½ tsp of nutmeg to the batter but next time, I’d add more of both. It is a good recipe but oh-so-thick and just a little plain.

This picture is from TroubleMaker's 2010 Calendar - it was a beautiful October day in 2009 that we did the shoot in field behind my former place of work. I love this picture and think it is one of the best shots my Husband has ever taken... But I'm a little biased I suppose!


Photo Courtesy of Blackstone Images

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