Saturday, April 23, 2011

52 Week Challenge: Week 16 Cupboard of Doom's Neighbour

First, I'm a day late in doing Week 16 but I did manage to tackle what I set out to do last week...

The Cupboard of Doom's neighbour "Closet of Dread". I know that sounds dramatic but I must confess (being it's Easter Weekend and all, that seems oddly appropriate) - I am not organized nor am I really tidy and today's organizing task kind of proves that.

The Closet of Dread

You see, I found some fur balls which gave way to other fur balls which, naturally, had fur ball babies. By the end of it, I think I pretty much vacuumed up a cat. Which is truly only funny if you know that we have a cat that doesn't shed much... Little Miss B And that I've only seen the business of a vacuum a couple of times since 2003... (my husband can and will attest to that - but I still adamantly insist that it is because of my back surgery in 2003...). :P It also just goes to show you how long it's been since I've seen the floor of this particular closet...

None the less, I had a plan and a purpose. Spring may have finally arrived in Alberta... I saw a robin today and it hasn't snowed in a week! This inspired me to action.

Photobucket The Floor (before)

There are things in there I don't remember putting there... But I'm proud (?) to admit that I did finally unpack the last box (from our 2004 move) a couple of years ago, so at least that still wasn't sitting there waiting for me!

Photobucket The Shelf (before)

I always thought the shelf was reasonably organized with our disposable dishes. Until I began to understand the organization was not just about having things all located in the same place.

Photobucket The Shelf (after part 1)

First, I put all the decorations from TroubleMaker's birthday party in the bag to give away. I mean really, why do I need seven dinosaur hats?

Photobucket The Shelf (after part 2)

Hey! Look - there are the special napkins we need for the napkin holder in the motorhome! I just knew I had bought an industrial sized back a few years ago!

Photobucket The Floor (after)

And now I know where my steel toed boots are too! And those heels - OMG - they are THE BEST! And they were only $40!

Photobucket The Finished Product

And now, winter is safely tucked away for another year... However, my mother in law reminded me that on May 4, 2010 we had a wicked snow storm and perhaps I had put things away a little too early...

Having concluded another task, I, of course, went to brag and look for praise from my husband... As he was stuffing his new summer clothes in his dresser drawer, he said "I really need to clean and sort my dresser drawers!". How apropos? Week 17, anyone!? We decided, as a family, to go through our dressers on Monday and all work on Week 17 together!

Check out some other great projects at the Org Junkie's 52 Week Challenge! Thank you for stopping by and we'll see you again soon!


  1. I have been trying to get my husband to go through his drawers and closet. I need to be more patient, he works so hard. Glad yours has seen the light!

  2. :) I'm glad too - my recent dedication to organizing has apparently 'inspired' him. Since he tends to be more organized than I am, having me ahead in the game is too much competition!

    I'm sure yours will come around - you'll inspire him too!
