Sunday, May 8, 2011

MPM # 52 - One Year Planniversary!

Well, gentle readers, it has been just over a year since I posted my first Menu Plan with the Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday. It seems oddly surreal that an entire year has passed but I checked the dates and it has. I know one year ago tonight, I was enjoying a weeks' stay at my Mom's... And although it's not the house I grew up in, there really is no place like home... And my Mom always has a cupboard full of snacks! Funny - when we grew up, there were never any snacky foods around but as an adult, my Mom always has yummy treats in her pantry!

Today, we hosted a brunch for my all the special women in my life - although my sister and her family were not able to come - it was a great day filled with laughs and good company. And lots of good food, of course! And I'm so happy good fruit season is finally upon us!

Tonight, my boys ordered in Chinese food and we ate up a storm. It was nice not having to cook and just put up my feet and RELAX! It made me wish I was on holidays!

This week, we've got a fairly easy menu planned. I used my new planner and it worked out well. It's not as finely tuned as I'd like and I have some changes to make to it but it makes the monthly planning much easier and far less overwhelming. The only thing is that I do like flipping through my cookbooks and other menus for ideas but I think that when I find a recipe I want to try, I'll add to a new page on the spreadsheet.

Would you like to give my Perpetual Monthly Planner a try? Leave me a comment (be sure I can email you back from your Blogger profile) or send me an email at brennansbest at gmail dot com and I'll email you my beta version with instructions! You only need access to a spreadsheet program like Excel or Open Office.

May 9 to May 15

Monday: Bacon Cheeseburger Roll Ups
Tuesday: Fish sticks & KD
Wednesday: BBQ Pork Chops &
Thursday: Chicken Nuggets & Fries
Friday: Second Annual Dufashanye Foundation Dinner & Silent Auction
Saturday: BBQ Hamburgers & chips
Sunday: Crock Pot Roast Beef Sandwiches

Lunches Soo... I just tell you all that I'm back to planning a few days a week and my husband is working all week! :)

Monday: Cereal
Tuesday: Toast
Wednesday: Pancakes (frozen)
Thursday: Cereal
Friday: Muffins & cheese
Saturday: Bacon & eggs
Sunday: French Toast

Below is the convenient monthly calendar I post on our fridge at the beginning of the month. One page - so less waste, planning takes me less time because my meal choices are easily selected and overall, I think it works well for our family!

Perpetual Meal Planner_May 2011

For more great menu planning ideas, check out all the people sharing their planning skills at the Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday!


  1. Thanks, Laura! It's been a great year and has kept me under control and on track! Thanks for popping in!
