Saturday, November 5, 2011

Small Successes! Operation Bake a Lot Completed!

I got very busy right out of the gate (or bed, as it really was) this morning. After a hearty breakfast of poached eggs and toast with bacon on the side, it was time to get down to business! Having pre-made the pepparkaka dough Friday night, I was ready to roll (figuratively and literally)!

We got the cookies rolled and cut (polar bears, gingerbread men and stars)... Then I made shortbread and next ginger sparklers! Then we were off to the big box craft store to get all the things I need to put together the "Christmas in a Box" decorating package for the playschool raffle. I swear that took longer than the baking. I was so undecided - you know what it's like when you get a vision in yoru head and everything you see doesn't match that vision? Well, that's what my trip to the store was! I was so frustrated and TroubleMaker was "sooooo bored!!!". I finally settled on a few things - a centre piece and a mantle swag with a few other bits and bobs to round out the package. The only thing i forgot was "the box"... So at some point, I'll have to figure that out too!

Tomorrow is the big assembly and pepparkaka icing and packaging. And then, I'll be free!!! Well, that is until the next big thing I cook up to do!

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