Monday, January 16, 2012

Menu Plan Monday (do Monday's ever stop?)

Every time Monday rolls around, I think of Bob Geldof and the Boomtown Rats... "Tell me why I don't like Monday's!" It isn't even that I don't like Monday's... It's just that there are so many of them and they never stop coming (and I'm never quite ready for Monday morning)...

I actually had my menu ready on Saturday (yay) but have been a little uninspired and unorganized when it comes to blogging. I've got a list of things I need to get organized for the blog (a bunch of good design and craft stuff that I'm very excited and energized about) but I don't want to launch anything until I'm "ready" - hopefully it will all launch at the beginning of February.

This week, in conjunction with our desire to improve our eating habits, I dug out my old vegetarian cook books. I'll share one of the new recipes I tried below my menu. Here is what we're having this week!

January 16 to 22

Monday Breaded pork chops and Lemon Brown Rice
Tuesday Steak and baked potatoes
Wednesday Chicken burgers and salad
Thursday Fettuccine Alfredo
Friday Grilled Cheese
Saturday Brute Sandwiches
Sunday Roast Beef

Thanks for stopping by - for more yummy menu ideas, check out the Org Junkie!

Breaded Pork Chops
1/2 cup cracker crumbs
1 pkg. Onion soup mix
2 eggs
3 pork chops (loin cut, no bone)

Trim all fat and soak chops in beaten eggs. Poke well with fork. Combine crumbs and soup mix and drop in chops and shake well. Bake on a rack over a cookie sheet for 40 minutes at 375 to 400 Fahrenheit.

 Lemon Brown Rice
6 cups cooked rice (1/2 white, 1/2 brown - or any combination of brown and wild rice)
1 cup each coarsely chopped broccoli and cauliflower
1 carrot, julienned
3 green onions, chopped
1 tbsp margarine
2 tsp lemon juice
salt, to taste

Melt margarine in wok, when hot, toss in green onions and cook until bright green and translucent, add other vegetables and stir fry 4 minutes. Remove vegetables and pour in lemon juice until pan is deglazed. Add vegetables and rice and salt to taste. Stir fry until heated through (5 minutes) tossing often.

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