Monday, January 2, 2012

Menu Plan Monday!

It's Monday and that means another menu plan! I didn't get very far over the Christmas break with planning my menus - I, in fact, didn't even plan a menu between Christmas and New Years! I will admit, I don't like flying by the seat of my pants! I need structure! Thankfully there was turkey and ham leftovers so that saved my bacon (sorry, it's early, I'm up by myself and I feel funny)...

This week, I wanted "EASY" and not much prep. Being I'm back to work Wednesday, I have to get back in the groove of getting dinner on the table at a set time. I was sick New Year's day so I've bumped things around a bit. What's on your menu this week? Are you back to work too? 

January 1 to 7
Monday: Chinese Take Out
Tuesday: Yummy Beef with Rice
Wednesday: Baked Mac & Cheese
Thursday: Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo
Friday: Burgers with Cheddar Jalapeno Rolls
Saturday: ???
Sunday: Crockpot beef roast

Check out all the great menu's at the Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday! Thanks for popping in and we'll see you again next week! 

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