Monday, April 9, 2012

Menu Plan Monday - holiday treats

Another Monday has arrived and it's a holiday here so I'm sitting back and relaxing... Well, I am now - but earlier today (and earlier this weekend), I was a machine! I love baking and cooking but don't often get the opportunity to share my work. The four days off (well, sort  of - I went in to work for a few hours Friday) gave me the chance to play!

A tisket, a tasket - cheesecake in a basket!
I'll admit, I've never made a baked cheesecake before. Generally, I'm about instant results so I usually do "no bake" cheesecakes but this recipe seems so easy that I had to give it a try.

It went together beautifully and it tastes great. Using cookies for crusts also made life easier! I'm not so sure that my attempt went quite as it should. When I took them out of the oven, the middles were just set however shortly after removing them from the oven, all but two fell. This did not affect the taste.

Our menu this week isn't nearly as exciting as my weekend of desserts...

Monday: Easy Hot Wings, Coyote Fritters and Caesar Salad
Tuesday: Gramma's Baked Macaroni and Cheese
Wednesday: Baked Pork Chops and Garlic Butter Egg noodles
Thursday: Spinach Salad and grilled sirloin steaks
Friday: Chicken Salad Sandwiches
Saturday: Pizza (with this crust)
Sunday: TDB

Hopping fun!
Tomorrow is TroubleMaker's preschool Easter party so I baked up some simple sugar cookies and spent the morning decorating them. Sadly, this is his last party as the wonderful teacher he has is leaving at the end of the month and the school year will be ending early.

Thank you for stopping by today, I hope you all have a great week and we'll see you again next week. For more menu ideas, please check out the Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday!

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