Saturday, October 13, 2012

Currently... October 13, 2012

I'm joining Harvesting Kale for "Currently". I happened across it while blogsurfing early Saturday morning (as TroubleMaker doesn't care if I stay up late visiting with my sister - 6:30 is 'get up time').

Watching Being home on sick leave has left me a lot more time in front of the TV then I've had in years... However, being the discerning view I am (haha), I'm only currently hooked on Doc Martin, Days of Our Lives and Steven and Chris.

Reading Just finished The Lovey Bones and started reading Drawing from the Right Side of your Brain.

Eating At this exact moment, I'm eating a Jolly Rancher sucker - I'd like to add that is is now mid-afternoon.    I'm also re-finding my love for fried zucchini with garlic and garden carrots with a brown sugar butter glaze.

Inspired by nature. With the fall colours everywhere, I can't help but feel like I should be doing more with the vibrant oranges and yellows I see all around me!

Thinking about taking a nap!


  1. I loved The Lovely Bones! So good. Her other book, The Almost Moon, is really great as well.

    1. Is it as tragic? I sobbed and sobbed through the Lovely Bones - I very much enjoyed it but don't know if I can do two with that level of emotion! Fabulous book!
