Thursday, November 1, 2012

Currently - November 1, 2012

Brennan is...

Loving... The idea that Christmas is TOMORROW!

Looking... For his Halloween candy his Dad took away from some serious misbehaving tonight!

Cooking...  anything he can chop!

Catching... every single cold that's bouncing around his preschool!

Missing...  Halloween! He woke up this morning asking me if it was Christmas, when I said "No", he asked if it was still Halloween!

Brennan's Mom is...

Loving...  Being able to spend some extra time with Brennan... Although being home medically impaired from the crushed discs in my neck is not the best way to be able to have a few more minutes, it is still time that I'm happy to have!

Looking... Forward to getting the okay to go back to work part time! I see the doctor next week and fingers crossed, he thinks I'm well enough to go back to me regular duties!

Cooking... Mostly simple things like grilled cheese and opening cans of soup but at least I'm not watching my husband trying his very hardest to prepare dinner!

Catching... Up on my soap opera! It's been decades since I watched it regularily, but I'm enjoying every single guilty minute of the trash TV!

Missing...  My very best friend from work!

Linking up with Harvesting Kale!


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