Sunday, January 6, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - January 7, 2013

Ahhh... A new year and a new plan (since I neglected to plan anything last week). I'm hoping to stay better on track this year with meal planning - both for health reasons and for budget reasons. I want us (as a family) to eat healthier and I need to be more cognizant of planning to get more vegetables on the table. Often, in a rush to get a meal on the table, I grab frozen peas, beans or corn - or worse, nothing.

This week is not a shining example of exemplary meal planning.

Saturday Tacos

Sunday Turkey sandwiches (yum - cooked a breast roast today and made the best gravy ever)

Monday Gramma's Mac and Cheese

Tuesday Shepherd's Pie

Wednesday Chicken stir fry with fried rice

Thursday Spaghetti with meatballs

Friday Mom's Crockpot Ham and Scalloped Potatoes

I'm looking for great vegetable recipes... I've gone through all my vegetarian recipes and have a good start but always looking for tested until perfect to add to my collection (it was much easier to get all the veggies we needed when I was a vegetarian).

Linking up with Menu Plan Monday!

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