Sunday, February 10, 2013

Menu Plan Monday: Feb 9 - 15

Another week, another menu! I've been doing well with keeping on track with my menu planning; and typically, I've been done planning EARLY enough to catch special shopping days, use coupons and keep on track with my goal to incorporate more vegetables to our diet.

I've got another MRI on Wednesday night so I may hold off the Bourbon street chicken and opt for something fast. I can't make it a KD and fish stick night as that what Troublemaker and my mother in law had on Saturday night when she babysat for us!

Saturday: Date Night
Sunday: Burger Bar
Monday: Penne with Spinach and Feta
Tuesday: Pancake Tuesday
Wednesday: Bourbon Street Chicken with steamed rice and stir fried vegetables
Thursday: Asian Beef and Noodles
Friday: Wings and fritters

What's on your menu this week? Want inspiration? Check out the Org Junkie Menu Plan Monday or Erin Branscom's Menu Monday for some delicious, frugal and inspiring ideas!

Thank you for checking me out! Let me know where you're at as I'd love to pop over and pay you a visit too!


  1. Your Bourbon Street Chicken sounds really good. I'm always looking for new chicken recipes that we all might like.

    1. I'm hoping its good too! I'm thinking sweet chicken with sticky rice sounds like a good combination and kid friendly (at least at my house)!
