Sunday, June 16, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - June 16 to 22, 2013

I'm a Menu Planning Ninja this week! Being the queen of organization (yeah, right) that I am, I was sitting down in my studio with my laptop, the Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday page open, my binder of recipes (which I've actually expanded to a 3" binder since I first did it), a pencil and some paper all before 9am!

Sunday: Pizza (order in for Father's Day
Monday: Chicken Caesar Wraps (freezer)
Tuesday: Slow Cooker Hamburger Supper
Wednesday: Weeknight Pasta Bake
Thursday: Pancakes and bacon
Friday: Pepperoni Pizza Mac and Cheese
Saturday: BBQ steak and Gramma's Potato Salad (if I'm feeling up to making it)

I see the surgeon for my six week post op check up this week. I have zero idea what to expect - I think I should be much further along in my healing process and I'm disappointed I don't feel a whole lot different than I did before surgery. I expressed to a friend the other day that if I didn't have the scar on my neck, I would think I was still waiting for surgery.

Linking up with the Org Junkie this week and I hope to check out some yummy new summer meal ideas! It's been nothing but rAiN here so I'm ready for some sunshine! Have a great week and thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. I think I could use some sunshine too. Or maybe just rain of the non thunderstorm variety.
