Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Talking Tuesday: K-Days - our first time

Today I took TroubleMaker to K-Days. Don't ask what the "K" stands for - the summer fair that runs for two weeks each July in Edmonton used to be "Edmonton Exposition", in 1964, it was changed to "Klondike Days", then in 2006 they changed the name again to "Capital X" (for eXposition), and then, in 2012, some marketing genius held a 'contest' to rename the fair. Options included "EdFest", "River City Festival", "The Edmonton Exhibition", "Edmonton Summer Exhibition" and "River City Summer Fair". All of those are far better choices than than the "what the hell does it mean" K-Days, but the people voted and it won.

But that's not what I'm writing about. That was a little aside that I need to share.

TroubleMaker has been asking us since he turned 2 or 3 to go. Neither my husband or I "do" rides. I used too but age got the best of me and I get very, very nauseated just watching the rides go 'round. This year, there was no way I could even imagine taking him because I just had my NECK fused together. But I digress, again.

This year we decided to take him. Luckily, we have some amazing friends who decided to go with us and another who lent us her kid. There were far to many people and it was hot (I'm sunburned and learned next year, I'll be taking a backpack FILLED with supplies) and the lines were stupid long (we'll be buying 'express' passes next year) but seeing my son's face light up made it all worth while.

He got to fly like a bird...

He got to take his best girl on their first motorcycle ride... 

And I got...

As I tucked him into bed tonight, I thanked him. He helped me overcome my fear of the summer festival. He helped me be a better mom by making his dream (of going to the fair) come true. He helped me overcome a whole lot today and I will always be thankful he and I got to go to K-Days for our first time, together.

Check another thing off my "40 by 40" list!

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