Sunday, September 15, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - September 15 to 21, 2013

Menu planning - it is a 'must' in our house. Since my last MPM, I haven't had a 'formal' plan in place.

And it's been terrible. We also hadn't done a grocery shop in a whole bunch of weeks either (because I didn't have a plan) so it was picking the bitter dregs to in order to make something to eat. Thankfully, my family is very patient and not too picky so we managed, but I felt in constant chaos. I'm disorganized enough, food (for the most part), is the one area I'm usually organized! Without organized menus and food sure made life terribly difficult.

I can control the menu and the planning so I am (once again) climbing back on the bus to try to bring zen to my chaos! When I created our initial recipe selection criteria, things were much different for me and my family.

Now, food prep is an issue so I need simple prep (not much chopping, slicing or dicing), easy cooking (stirring is painful) and unfortunately, I've had to employ the use of prepared foods where I can. Thankfully, however, our diets are better controlled so although I still want to keep the lower sodium and sugar, our efforts of introducing more fruits and vegetables (and exercising regularly) is working for us.

Without further adieu, here is what we're eating this week!

Sunday: Hot dogs and chips
Monday: Chicken Caesar salad wraps
Tuesday: Tacos
Wednesday: Creamy Garlic Penne with fish (Shhh! Don't tell the boys - I'm trying to sneak some fish into our diets)
Thursday: Egg wraps
Friday: Honey Dijon Chicken with egg noodles
Saturday: Mom's Crockpot Ham and scalloped potatoes

Sharing with the Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday. Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Well I wasn't planning on having an early lunch, but now... mmm penne
