Monday, September 23, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - September 28 to October 4, 2013

Last weeks menu changed. I forgot my husband was having some dental work done. This didn't phase me, though. It meant SOUP! I love soup. He isn't a huge fan, however, with a sore mouth, he was good with my choices! I got to make two of my three favourites! Baked Potato and Leek (with bacon and cheese) and Peppery Corn Chowder (weird, they changed the name of it - PS I never use evap milk, just regular old 1%). The best part? Leftovers! Yippee! I also "invented" my own version of Boston Pizza's "Bandera Bread". My son loves that stuff - mine really wasn't anything like BP's, but TroubleMaker loved it and ate nearly half of the thing himself..

This week we're in soft food mode, although he's anxious for ham (we spent all day today (Sunday) picnicking and taking pictures in the country so I didn't make it yesterday)!

Monday: Mom's crockpot ham and scalloped potatoes
Tuesday: Fettuccine Alfredo
Wednesday: Breakfast burritos
Thursday: Creamy ham and mashed potatoes
Friday: Crockpot chicken teriyaki, fried rice and stir fried veggies
Saturday: Pizza Party!

Sharing with the Org Junkie. Have a great week, eat well!


  1. The crockpot ham and potatoes sounds so good.

    1. It really, really was... I am not a "ham" person but this recipe I can eat all day long! And it makes the most superb split pea soup! :)

  2. I love the crockpot and I am not even the person that cooks. It's like a magic soup making device from the future. You just put a whole bunch or raw stuff in there and water for a few hours and boom soup. It's like witchcraft or something. Tasty, tasty witchcraft.
