Friday, September 10, 2010

If he can do it, so can I!

With over 700 kilometres under our belts and TroubleMaker's first trip out of the province, we ventured out of the 'deep South' and back to Drumheller and the Dinosaur Valley.

With Fall approaching, the campgrounds in the area are primarily filled with retirees. In the summer, the more than 1000 spots in the area are packed week in and week out with families and people of all ages. There are many things to do in the area - museums, coal mines, Hoodoos, and live theatre (just to name a few) - it is a paradise for the young and young at heart!

Our first touristy order of business was to see the World's Largest Dinosaur. Standing 86 feet tall and 151 feet long, the dinosaur towers above the town and it certainly caught TroubleMaker's eye! He continually refers to it as "my first dino-store" every time he sees it - in person or in picture! He and his Dad ventured up into the T-Rex's belly and peered out it's mouth. I don't think he quite understood where he was but he emerged happy and carrying to rather large and ferocious dinosaurs of his own so I think the trip was a success!

We poked around town a bit more, went to the Hoodoos and let TroubleMaker catch a nap. Only my kid could sleep in a lifted, soft topped, mud-tired Jeep YJ but never in his own bed...

Today was a new and exciting day and the weather continued to agree with us! Sunny and warm, we headed out to take in more of the sites. Horse Thief Canyon, the Atlas Coal Mine, and the Suspension Bridge were all on our list of things to see. This brings me to the things I've learned for today...

Things I've learned today:
1. Two year olds are scared of nothing - unless you introduce fear (so this means a 36 year old can overcome fears).
2. If a boy finds a ramp - or a thing that might resemble a ramp - and he has a bike, he will inevitably figure out one can be used to ride over or jump the other.

About twenty years ago, my Mom, sister and I were in this area on vacation. If I recall correctly, we ventured out to the Suspension Bridge and promptly turned back around and went some where else. I am not really afraid of heights but the swaying, suspended bridge was a little more than I cared for. Today, my Husband was going to take TroubleMaker across... Until, that is, TroubleMaker grabbed my hand and said "Mommy, you come."

And off we went. Across the swaying, suspended by cables bridge. And he even jumped and pulled me. And the worse was looking behind me (to find out why the bridge was rocking like a rocking chair in the hands of a toddler) to see my darling Husband carrying our 50 pound scaredy cat Schnauzer across! We got to the other side and I was OK! We poked around a bit and went back and I was even able to look around! We got back on terra firma and TroubleMaker wanted to go again...

The dog and I stayed on this side and off he and my husband went.

Brave little TroubleMaker in the middle of the suspension bridge

The Bleriot Ferry is one of the few operational ferries in Alberta. Built in 1913, it is maintained to this day as a crossing point on Secondary Highway 838 across the Red Deer River. As we rounded the bend, I said to my husband "I can't do it..." I said I'd stay on this side and he could pick me up on the way back. He explained the ferry did not come back. We was going to turn around and allow me to chicken out.

Then I boldly said "NO! Let's go... How bad can it be?"

You know what? We were half way across before I even realized we were moving! So two of my fears overcome all because I didn't want my darling little boy to see his Mom scared.

My brave husband got OUT of the Jeep and took this picture of us!

And as I wrap this up, I wish we could stay here forever. Just capture this moment in time - the muddy shoes, the scraped knees, the little hand on my cheek saying "Mommy, I don't want you to go to work." I wish I could freeze this moment and never have anything change.

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