Thursday, September 9, 2010

TroubleMaker and the Dino-stores

As our week away is too quickly coming to an end, I'd like to share a few high-lights of the week... When we left home last Saturday, we were hoping for a fun, relaxing time and the opportunity to share some of our favourite places with our darling two year old son. We decided earlier in the month to travel a fair distance our first day - to Dinosaur Provincial Park. Oddly enough, although we both knew how far away it was, until we both, independent of the other, entered it into Google Maps, had no idea it would be nearly six hours of travel time... TroubleMaker had never made more than a two hour journey without wailing his head off... We left home around 10am and arrived in Dinosaur Provincial Park shortly after 4pm.

Things I learned:
1. Never take a child who loves dinosaurs through Drumheller and then tell him you're not stopping.
2. "Mommy! This is da first time I ever be here in my WHOLE LIFE!" ~ TroubleMaker on his first day in Dinosaur Provincial Park.

Once we convinced TroubleMaker we first needed to see Dinosaur Bones before learning about dinosaurs, he agreed and got back in his car seat. He loved Dinosaur Provincial Park - and everything he saw and did for the next two days involved digging up "dino-store bones!"

Looking for Dinosaur Bones!

After a windstorm that sent our shoes to the next camp site, we headed further south - to the Cypress Hills Inter-Provincial Park. We'd been there four years ago in an early fall blizzard - nestled deep in the heartland of Alberta, it's a beautiful little place. During our trip, we'd wanted to take the back road into Saskatchewan but the wet slushy snow kept us out. this time, we came fully prepared with our beloved "Jeep"...

Things I learned:
1. Where there's mud, there's TroubleMaker

2. When my Husband and I spend lots of time together, he catches my giddy excitement for seeing things that aren't there... "Oooo! OoooO! Oh. It's just a cow... I thought it was a moose."
3. Cattle gates are dangerous if you're two and your parents make you get out to take this picture (learned after TroubleMaker made a mad dash for the Saskatchewan Border and nearly went head first into cattle gate that prevents the Saskatchewan Cows from contaminating the Alberta Beef (I'm joking - I <3 Saskatchewan - Go Riders!)).

But it's late and we are back in Drumheller so TroubleMaker can see his dinos... But more on that tomorrow...

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