Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - Someone stole my wagon

I've fallen so off the bus when it comes to blogging and menu planning (and my participation in the 52 Week project). It's like my wagon got stolen because it was just sitting by the side of the road, abandoned and neglected.

Between the basement renovation and starting my new job, I'm just not keeping up with anything (TroubleMaker told me tonight we should "clean up the toys" in the basement because he keeps tripping on them). I keep meaning to plan a way out and back to doing the fun stuff in life, but I just keep running out of day!

I have been, for a few weeks, planning the dinner menus for September. I've been trying to cook up a new way of planning. It's taking me much longer than I think it should but at least I've got a few things worked out for this week!

September 6 to 11

Monday Easy Hot Wings, Gramma's Potato Salad, veggies n dip
Tuesday Caesar Salad and cold cut sandwiches
Wednesday Grilled Chicken, corn on the cob
Thursday Something Simple?
Friday {CAMPING}
Saturday {CAMPING}
Sunday Nuggets & fries

For more super menu planning ideas and resources, check out the Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday! Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again soon!

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