I love, love, love this picture. And what makes it even sweeter for me is twofold - first, being married to a photographer has its benefits - my Husband (Blackstone Images) took the picture... Second, I pickled all that produce! Granted, I did not grow the produce (I do have a garden - more on that later this week)... I did grow the sunflowers and the dill! Well, technically, they grew themselves but... Ya. Ok. My husband took the picture and he's totally awesome (and the picture is taken in front of our super fantastic pea patch).
I pickled five pounds of cucumbers, a pound of carrots and some yummy garlic (all of the produce was locally and organically grown)! I did cucumbers last year (or was it the year before?) but I've never done carrots or garlic but I love them and just had to try them out myself. I cannot wait to open them and eat them!
This weeks menu is mostly filler - we are heading out to Elk Island National Park this Thursday with my family - Dad, Mom #2 and all my siblings!
Here is our week at a glance!
August 16 to August 22
Monday Chicken Caesar Salad
Tuesday Crock pot Hamburger Casserole
Wednesday Tater Tot Casserole
Thursday *camping* - BBQ Hamburgers, chips
Friday *camping* - Open fire roasted smokies & baked beans
Saturday *camping* - BBQ Steak, Gramma's Potato Salad
Sunday Fish sticks & KD
My darling husband seems to be coping well with my recent lack of lunch time menus... He's been doing lots of good things - cottage cheese with onions & cucumbers, yogurt, cheese & crackers... There are always lots of yummy things in the fridge to eat and they are getting the hang of it!
Cereal, toast, bagels, muffins, bacon & eggs!
Hope you have a great week and check out more Menu Plan Monday cooking and meal planning ideas over at Org Junkie!

Basic Muffin Recipe (from a 1950's vintage Blue Ribbon Flour Cook book)
2 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
4 tbsp melted fat
3/4 cup milk
Combine dry ingredients and add wet. Blend until just blended together. Add 3/4 cup lightly floured berries.
Pour unto greased muffin cups (I use liners). Bake at 400 F for 15 to 18 minutes. YIELD: 12 muffins
Gramma's Potato Salad
4 to 6 cups potatoes, cooked and cubed
1 cup celery, diced
2 or 3 green onions, chopped
4 to 6 eggs, diced (reserve one whole egg for the top)
3/4 cup Miracle Whip
1 tsp mustard
1-1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp white vinegar
Combine dressing ingredients and let rest. Toss the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl, drizzle dressing over top - reserving a small amount. Toss salad to combine. Slice one whole egg and garnish on top, coating each slice with a little of the reserved dressing to it doesn't dry out. Sprinkle lightly with paprika. Refridgerate all day to allow flavours to mingle. Serve chilled.
I love that picture too! Won't it be fun to open those jars in January? :)