Sunday, January 20, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - January 19-25

Hello and welcome back... I'm climbing back on board the meal planning bandwagon as I know (as I've experienced this before) that NOT meal planning leaves my house in chaos!

Saturday: Taco Salad (finally used these that I bought last year - great results!)
Sunday: At my MIL's    
Monday: Chicken nuggets and fries
Tuesday Sweet and Sour Pork stir fry (serve with plain rice)
Wednesday: Spinach Lasagna Roll-Ups  
Thursday: Beef Stew
Friday: Chicken Caesar Wraps

I have to admit that I bought the taco salad pans thinking they were a great idea... When I actually got the pans, I thought "What a waste of $20" (I'm Canadian, everything costs more here). I did use them for our dinner Saturday and was pleasantly surprised. I had to drape our tortillas on the OUTSIDE of the pan and then inverted them on a tea cup (I wanted them big, putting them inside would have resulted in tiny little bowls). I dipped the 10" tortillas in a  mix of olive oil, water and a dash of salt before putting them on the pans. I baked for 15 minutes at about 375F.  I have made them before by draping them over an clean tin can and it worked well too.

I'm also going to trying a new app for meal planning... Meal Board - it is apparently a menu planner, pantry inventory system and grocery list generator all in one. I have high hopes - it's not an expensive app but I'm a little dubious of such things. My husband's "day job" is as a programmer and although he and I have spoken numerous times about him designing me a program like that, it's time consuming and a lot of work (for him) - probably around 120 hours so since his charge out rate is much higher than the $3 for the app, I'll give it a go! I'll let you know what I think in a future MPM post.

Linking up with the Org Junkie! Happy meal planning and thank you for dropping in.

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