Monday, January 14, 2013

Organizing Revolution: Week Three - Closets!

This week for the challenge, we were assigned the daunting task of organizing a closet. Daunting? Maybe not... But I did have a closet that has not been touched since we moved in 8.5 years ago - save for opening the doors to stuff more junk in!

Spare bedrooms closet

Top right side

Top left side
I have to admit I was a bit surprised at what I found when I  tackled this closet. Of course I knew I hadn't looked after this room much since we moved in; honestly, I thought it would be an easy, tackle quickly kind of project. Although it, in reality, didn't take me long, I was a bit surprised at all the stuff I found in the closet.

There were more things, of course, but just yesterday I was looking for Camilla - not because I wanted her per se, but because I wanted the chef's hat that I wore as part of the costume. Ta da! What good luck! The dino pans are from the awesome idea I had to let seven children (aged 3 to 9) do a dinosaur dig in my living room. It was awesome (seriously, all the kids were so nervous about it, only my own tossed sand around the place)!




The dresser was repurposed for our son's dresser (his broke) and I got rid of tons of stuff! Including all the crap I'd been hanging onto since leaving my job in 2010! TroubleMaker has his chef's hat, Camilla will be reunited with Gonzo and I'm going to sell the portable fridge in our garage sale this spring.

I've also cleared up a whole closet so my husband has more storage for his photography equipment - so everyone's happy! Thanks for reading and sharing in my organizing journey!

Ask Anna

Don't forgot to go vote for your favourite! Voting starts Friday - mine is listed under "Brennan's Mom (Barefoot Deliberations)!  

Can you believe this!


  1. I can't believe you have a whole empty closet! I am so jealous!!

    It's funny how while all these little tasks don't take too long to deal with, we let them kind of "take root" in our houses (or closets). I think because the tasks are all so different, so then it takes quite a lot of mental energy to do them all.

    1. I know! How awesome is it to have an empty closet! When I took the "after" shot, I thought to myself "This isn't really impressive..." But when you start to think about the fact I purged an entire closet of crap and this all resulted in an EMPTY closet, it's kind of a big deal (at least in our house)!

      I agree about the mental energy, it's always changing gears and that is probably more labourious than the cleaning itself!

      Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate the feedback. :)
