Monday, May 27, 2013

Guess who got head hunted?

That would be me, of course. It would be kind of odd to write about Bob from down the street being head hunted for a job.

I've been doing what I do for 10 years now and this is my first 'head hunt'. I was blown away - shaking, in fact, as I read the email. Absolutely, out of the blue, blown away by it.

As I said on my Facebook page, "I just got head hunted! This means that people who don't know me think I'm pretty awesome too."

It's my anniversary as well (seven years married but together for nearly 15) and I had an awesome night out with my husband. Dinner, coffee, relaxing. An amazing end to a pretty awesome day.

Thanks world, I owe you one (even if our illegal plumbing cost us another $1000 on top of the stupid expensive new HE laundry pair that is arriving tomorrow), you did good and I thank you.

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