Monday, May 20, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - May 20 - 26, 2013

Another week with Meals from the Freezer. We didn't consume all the meals as planned last week; I wasn't feeling too hot (there is a rumour that I may have been a little too anxious to get back on my feet and over did it just a little bit), so I ate soup and boys, more or less, fended for themselves. I seem to be better this week but I learned my lesson (I say that a lot) so I stop well before I feel tired because tired =  nausea which results in PAIN.

Monday: Burgers and chips (freezer)
Tuesday: Chicken and Mushroom Linguine
Wednesday: Sheperd's Pie (freezer)
Thursday: Fettuccine Alfredo
Friday: White Chicken Enchiladas with Green Chili Sauce  (freezer)
Saturday: Mom's Crockpot Ham and scalloped potatoes
Sunday: Easy (boneless) Hot Wings, veggies and dip

Sharing with the Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday! Thanks for stopping in!

1 comment:

  1. Ah nausea pain. I know thee well. And then I'm all like, why body why are you doing this to me? And my body is all like, ha ha sucker take that and that!

    It's not fun, is what I am saying.
