Sunday, May 12, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - May 13 - 19, 2013

I kind of fell off the (planning) wagon, but only in bloggity blog land. I've actually got my menu planned through to the beginning of June. Having had surgery a week ago tomorrow, I wanted to be PREPARED. Being prepared, in my world, meant planning a menu and having food in the freezer. I had no idea how long I'd be in the hospital (was told 3 days but with Back Surgery #1 in 2003, I was told three and stayed eight) and I also didn't know what kind of shape I would be in (last surgery, due to complications, I was kind of a mess and after a few days at home, alone, I was shipped off to the (best) step Mom in the world (oh, my Dad was there too)) to recover because I couldn't be 'alone' (because I was a medical mess).

This time, I breezed in and out of the hospital (29.5 hours from the time I checked in until I checked out -  to say I was determined to get the H E double hockey sticks out of the hospital would be an understatement - I would have moved mountains to get OUT of there) and I am doing considerably better than the last time around (not having a staph infection will likely improve anyone's recovery) but knowing I have to put no thought into instructing the world's most awesome husband into preparing meals makes life better.

This week we have a few freezer meals and a few "simple to cook" foods (save for the weekend - it's the first Long Weekend of the summer and I'm living large). I'm also having issues swallowing (a side effect of the operation) so some of my meals will be replaced with soup - namely anything that can't be chewed with my neck brace on.

Monday: Beef Stroganoff with egg noodles (freezer)
Tuesday: Scrambled Eggs & toast
Wednesday: White Chicken Enchilada with Green Chili Sauce  (freezer - enchiladas only)
Thursday: (I forget - side effect of getting old)
Friday: Shepherd's Pie (freezer)
Saturday: (I forget - side effect of neural inhibitors)
Sunday: BBQ Steak and Gramma's Potato Salad

Sharing my meal planning awesomeness with the Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday and Erin Branscom's Menu Monday and the world (or at least the 78 readers who usually frequent my menu - J.W. and L.P. - thanks for using all the computers in the shop to make me feel like people read me). :)


  1. That's a lot better then my plan. Which is that when one or both of us gets sick it's sandwiches for everyone! Or tortilla chips straight out of the bag! Or our personal favorite randomly eating cheese out of the refrigerator!

    What I am saying, is don't get sick/injured in my house anytime soon. :)

  2. Those are all viable options (and life choices - no judgement here)... The Shortest Member of the house (aka TroubleMaker) has made me far more responsible than I used to be. When my other half lived in a different city (for six years), I ate nothing but freezer pizza, perogies, stir fried veggies and breakfast-for-dinner casserole (mind you, not all at once).

    I will add it to my 'things not to do', although visiting your rural setting and being chased by your chickens may actually be fun (I was once terrorized by a headless chicken - it's been 32 years since that happened, I think I'm ready to face the feathered beasts head-on).
