Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Forty by Forty (40x40) - Day 33

First and most important lesson learned today: I cannot count. Counting backwards was never really my "thing" and I realized today, that I've somehow managed to get mixed up but I'm back on track and I've been doing things daily (or delegating) so it's all going to work out in the end.

Today was a delegation day... I enlisted my super awesome, couldn't do it without her, Mother, to help me. My plan had been to do a cupboard today - my spice cupboard. Which I superbly organized while participating in an organizational challenge a few years ago but it's recently fallen on hard, mixed up times. So it got gutted, cleaned and reorganized all by my wonderful mother while my hunny and I spent an hour at Registries sorting out the how and why of registering a motorhome once the Registry office creates the registry incorrectly.

I also gave confidence to two Mommy friends who have apparent bathing suit complexes, cheered on eight very enthusiastic soccer players, made a kick-ass dinner and even crocheted a lil' something (serious, it's only little - I just did three rounds).  I figure that's a good list of accomplishments for today and will still only count all this awesome as just "one" thing.

What kind of awesome did you create today? This life is a journey and I think we should all try to be as awesome as we can each and every day - not just a certain number of days prior to a certain milestone. So go, be awesome and enjoy this thing called life.

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