Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Forty by Forty (40x40) - Day 36

First, some housekeeping...

I'm tossing the order of my "list" out the window. Turning 40 is liberating in the sense that I'm now getting to the age where two things are happening:
1. Things I remember like yesterday are becoming "vintage" (as I learned the other day, 1989 (the year), is now considered as such)
2. I can do whatever the hell I want!

The newest member of our family
Day 36 - today... Since my list is still my list and the order is being juggled like balls at a carnival, I've decided today is the day to buy an RV. Technically speaking, Monday was the day (we signed the final paperwork) and Thursday is the day we take possession so Wednesday seemed like a good time to share our news.

I've spent the past (nearly) two years cooped up in the house (well, in a manner of speaking) and since I'm not getting any younger and things (health wise) aren't about to change drastically any time soon, we, as a family, decided it was probably time we start "living" and for me, that's been a really important step to beginning to accept the my new reality. We've purchased one of those ridiculous reclining lawn chairs (zero gravity type) and with my super neck pillow, I figure it'll be just as awesome as my (ugly but comfy) recliner at home.

Different walls, different trees and a different place will be good for me. Different is good and I'm looking forward to getting back to something I've always loved doing! Our first trip is planned and we're looking forward to it.

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