Thursday, June 5, 2014

Forty by Forty (40x40) - Day 39

So... Today's task was to sign my organ donor card. Doesn't sound like a big deal, does it? But it kind of is because I'm basically saying that when I die, they can take all the parts of me they want to use. Moreover, I might be able to actually help someone live!

That's really kind of awesome and since I have no religious affiliations (or attachments to my body), I say USE ALL OF ME.

 Did you know in any given year, there are approximately 4500 people waiting for an organ transplant? Did you also know that Canada has one of the lowest rates of organ donation in the world? And guess what, you can donate when you are ALIVE!!!

 Just some more quick stats for you... The biggest needed organ? Kidney - which you can be a living donor for. Number of people who died while waiting for organ donation (in 2012)? 256. What can one organ donor potentially do? Save as many as eight lives! A little weirded out by the idea of donating a part of yourself when you die? Donate blood NOW - it's considered the gift of life, takes about an hour of your time and they give you juice and a cookie when you're done!

I signed the back of my Alberta Health Care Card and made sure my husband knows what I wish to have happen when I die. That's really all I have to do! If you want to be a living donor, there are links via a map here.

PS It was very kindly pointed out to me that yesterday, I posted five things on my list and stated I would update next week. Apparently, next week is 7 days so why was I posting 5 things I'd do over 7 days... So, to please the one who will be donating my organs, here, again, are the SEVEN things I will be doing...

1. Finish & share my 40x40 list!
2. Sign my organ donor card!
3. Make a duct tape wallet for TroubleMaker (aka Brennan, who, with each year, outgrows his toddler moniker)
4. Store away our winter clothing & footwear
5. Make a kid summer "bucket list"!
6. Clean out my beside table (I live so dangerously)
7. Clean out my closet

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