Well... This week marks the start of my new job. Five weeks ago, I quit my job of six years. I took three weeks off between jobs and now, I'm heading to the new place tomorrow morning...
So this week, since my schedule will be all new, I've tried to do 'easy' suppers - ones that I know will cook up quickly and easily. I'll be taking public transit to work - something I've never done before (save for the few years I took it when I went to college). And I've got the added challenge of having to transfer part way and catch a train!
I'm trying to add a few new vegetables to our routine. I get tired of the usual green beans, peas and the like so I'm going to try sauteing baby zucchini with garlic and butter (light on the butter) with fresh ground pepper. I really like cooked zucchini but I don't think it's something Hubby will be too keen on. TroubleMaker ate it readily when he was an infant but I find some of the things he ate well as a little baby aren't so well received now as a toddler!
The weather is warming up too and thankfully, the May long weekend is coming up! It's the week before the US long weekend and isn't met with the rampant fanfare the US holidays are... But it the 'official' start to the Canadian summer so I this menu involves a lot of goodies for Hubby to BBQ!
Without further adue, here is this weeks Dinners at a glance!
Monday: Tuna Melts and soup
Tuesday: Fettuccine Alfredo w baby zucchini
Wednesday: Sloppy joes
Thursday: BBQ chicken with Spanish rice
Friday: BBQ Hamburgers with chips
Saturday: BBQ Pork chops with BBQ veggies
Sunday: 2 Step Honey Dijon Chicken with egg noddles
Instead of embedding my weekly menu, this week, I thought I'd just do a quick run down of our breakfasts and lunches...
Breakfasts: Bagels & cream cheese, PB toast, Hard boiled eggs, muffins & cheese, cinnamon toast
Lunches: Cottage cheese, left overs, yogurt smoothies
Looking for more great menu planning ideas? Check out Menu Plan Monday
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