I'd love to tackle my cookie sheet cupboard - it's a bit chaotic in there and it frustrates me every time I need something from it. But after seeing this post at the Org Junkie, I really, really, really want the storage racks... But I'm writing on route to work so I've got no time to shop today!

I am tempted, very tempted, to just wait until I have the "right" supplies or hide behind the 'I have company' excuse. I know getting off track will just lead me back down the old familiar path (of being the leader of the disorganized) and I'm really committed to making a change.
After running around after work, making dinner and getting the cookie dough made for the Valentine's baking day tomorrow, I looked at the cookie sheet cupboard and felt guilty... So I did what any motivated woman would do...
I enlisted the help of my son and my niece. Because, you know, you're never too young to learn good habits! So I sat back (camera in hand) and provided direction. My niece declared she loves organizing and TroubleMaker loves anything she does, so he helped too.

They had the space emptied in record time and nothing got broken! My niece took three of my seven ice cube trays and offered to take my 1L wine carafe for flowers (I firmly said "NO!" because, well, I don't know why but I'm just not ready to get rid of yet). I offered my Mom a set of nice mixing bowls (that I never use because I have another set) - but being inspired by my recent organizing frenzy - she politely declined.

My niece organized and started placing everything back in the cupboard. She kept asking why I had garbage in the cupboard (lids from disposable containers I no longer have, a grocery receipt, and a liner from some disposable cookie sheets). I had no answer - laziness, always in a hurry, it was so messy it ate things like a black hole...
My niece did a fantastic job of sorting and organizing and with a little bit of direction, my cupboard turned out super-duper fantastic!

So even though I didn't have the fancy racks I wanted and I didn't have a lot of time, the job still got done... Albeit with a little help from my friends! So this week, I must really thank my darling niece (isn't she pretty?), not only for her super organizing ability, but also for having the patience to work side by side with her little cousin - who kept hitting her with a barbecue basting brush..."But Mama, it was on axi-dent!" TroubleMaker claimed.
Inspired - for sure. Great job - for sure. Proud - without a doubt! Young or old, big or small - organizing is for everyone. We all felt great when the job was done and I realized that even cleaning and organizing can be quality time - if you do it with those you love.
Have a great week and for more inspiration, check out all these other lovely folks organizing their way to happiness with the Organizing Junkie!
I enjoyed your post because you didn't wait until the "perfect" time to tackle a trouble spot. I have often fell into that trap in the past and have been trying very hard not to do that. In reality I'm sure you never really have enough time to organize things! Also, it's great that you didn't wait until you had the perfect organizing accessories. Now that it's much neater and tidier, it will be very quick to add additional organizers if you wish to do so.
Thanks for the feedback! It is really easy to get trapped in that space - especially since getting organized and (hopefully) staying organized is all so new to me!
ReplyDeleteI agree about the organizers too - and as much as I'd like them, I know that gadgets won't really help me much (if they did, my desk would have been organized since 1993 when I bought my first desk organizer) so it's better that I learn to take just a moment and put it back in the right place!
Don't you hate that moment when it is all out on the floor and you think, oh crap, why did I start this, and then you finish and remember why or am I the only one who does that? Good job!
ReplyDeleteGreat job! I hope to tackle the dreaded tupperware drawer this week. Maybe my 3 year old will play the matching game with me to find all the right lids with the right containers!
ReplyDeleteallysgrandma: Oh boy, do I know that feeling! My cupboard of doom was just like that. But I made the mistake of placing the empty stuff in the hallway to my room to I had no choice but to finish.. I know if frightened my husband because although I don't lack in dedication to try, I often lack in the follow through!
ReplyDeleteHeather - thanks! That was the cupboard I was thinking about doing too this week... But I haven't figured out quite how to store the things in that cupboard without them all ending up in the same miss-matched disorder next week!
ReplyDeletewow how nicely you have done..and with a kid around..i just cant do it with having kids around...because they keep taking things out from the cabinets.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by... I experienced that too but I think they outgrow it and enlisting their help makes it fun... :) Good luck!