What my husband and dog do when we go away
It's Sunday night and I'm sitting up in the spare bed as TroubleMaker sleeps in the big bed in the pink room at my Mom's house. My niece and sister are tucked away downstairs, my Mom & step dad are sleeping at the other end of the house and I'm just enjoying a few minutes before turning in myself.
We've had a good weekend - a great weekend - just sitting around laughing, playing and talking. These times are good for my soul and as you've probably realized, it's something we try to do often.
I always feel so productive when I come here - maybe because there is nothing to do - I've written everyday, played games (Wii, Scrabble, etc), helped my Mom with cooking and dishes, went shopping and spent lots of time getting hugs and laughs in. We even did a craft today (I'd hope to have the pictures uploaded, but didn't quite get the craft done yet)! We played outside, the kids ran and shouted lots and I even got to flip through a couple of cookbooks and pick out a couple of new recipes to take home with me! If you can believe it, we even skipped rope and I learned that I can still 'jump in' to a moving skipping rope and I even taught my niece how to do it!
It's back to the real world tomorrow - which is alright, I suppose. Life can't be all fun and games!
This week also marks my fifth wedding anniversary - I can't believe how time flies... I expect my beautiful apple tree to be in full bloom when we get home tomorrow - because you know, the ONLY year since we moved into the house when it wasn't blooming at the end of May was the year we planned our wedding UNDER the apple tree! My Dad & step Mom are taking TroubleMaker and our Goof 'over night' Friday and I'm looking very forward to spending some quality time with my husband!
We've got a good menu lined up this week and with the rainy weather that's being predicted, we'll give the barbecue a few days off!
May 22 to May 29
Monday: Two step Honey Dijon Chicken
Tuesday: Beef & Bean Burritos
Wednesday: Tuna Casserole
Thursday: Mushroom & Chicken Linguine
Friday: Dinner out (It's our 5th Wedding Anniversary)
Saturday: Pizza Party!
Sunday: Crockpot Barbecue Beef Sandwiches New Recipe
Tuesday: Bagels & cream cheese
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: Cottage Cheese with cucumbers
Monday: Cereal
Tuesday: Toast
Wednesday: Cereal
Thursday: Muffins
Friday: Toast
Saturday: Bacon & Eggs
Sunday: Buttermilk Pancakes
For more great menu planning tips, tricks and resources, check out the Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday! Thanks for stopping by and we'll see you again next week!

Our breakfasts are pretty similar but our other meals are super different!!