Ok. I like to tell people I'm organized. Very organized, actually. It's on my resume. My organizational brags have likely gotten me a job or two. Thankfully, I'm very talented in other ways because, well... Although it's not a lie, I am a bit delusional in my organizing ability. Well, no, that's not quite right... I'm delusional in my ability to keep my life organized.
The one notable exception is in my project management ability - although I may have to shuffle through an enormous file folder that contains all the documents, I know to the penny what my project is costing, how much is left in the budget and exactly where we are in regards to the schedule. I remember conversations and details and actually had a file drawer full of every single incoming and outgoing phone call I made over the six years at my last position.
Personally, well, I need serious help. So during my recent lunch time reading session, I came across a great motivator... The Org Junkie's 52 Weeks of Organizing. I had a "plan" for the year - one of which was to be a little more organized. I've got room after room of 'stuff' that I need to go through. But I think I had that list at the start of last year too... I tried and I wrote about it here and here and it was part the reason I started my blog. I thought if I was 'accountable' publicly, I'd get the job done.
It didn't work.
I realized when reading the challenge on the Org Junkie's site that I have many talents and knowledge but organizing is not one of them... But I can learn and why reinvent the wheel? I have knowledge and skills, which I'm sharing with We-Design-Day but I must realize my specialty is interior design - organizing is not one. So now I'm sifting through articles and hints and I've committed to the 52 Weeks project.
One of the tasks was to make a list. The other night, I made mine. Now, I only have 30 items on my list but I know there are a couple of the tasks are going to be multiple week projects. And I know as I get started, the list will grow.
Here is my dirty little list... It isn't in order either, I just wrote as things came to me and I'll pick/choose the task based on the time I have that week to commit to it.
52 Weeks of Organizing
4. Ensuite medicine cabinet
6. My dresser
7. Front hall closet
8. Main bath vanity
9. Linen cupboard
11. Guest room closet
13. Spice cupboard
16. Laundry room
17. Cold room
18. Christmas decorations
19. Painting supplies
20. Non fiction library
21. Sewing studio
22. Design books/library
23. Computer files!
25. Gardening supplies (shed)
26. Night stand
27. Fabric stash
28. Photos (print)
29. Recipes
30. Back hall closet
31. Broom/pet closet
Wish me luck... I'm going to need it!
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